Punch & Judy




About Frank Ozo

Punch & Judy



Clown Shows







 Frank OZO'sPunch and Judy: the classic glove puppet show with traditional characters and portable booth. The OZO show addresses contemporary sensibilities regarding violence and social issues, whilst retaining  all  the  charm and humour of the original version. Its age old plot is as relevant today as it was centuries ago in the streets of Europe.  shows have been witnessed by thousands of Australians of every age, cultural background, ethnicity, and shoe size.

Frank OZO has performed at The Festival of Sydney, Adelaide Festival of Arts, Canberra Festival, Come Out SA, Brisbane’s Warana, Sydney’s Carnivale, ABC’s Playschool, Bondi Festival, Luna Park, Canberra Theatre, The Rocks Puppet Theatre, Sydney Opera House, Powerhouse Museum, Martin Place, Wrest Point Casino (Tas.), The Sydney Cricket Ground,  and Harry’s Pie Cart

Ozo Entertainers™

02 95699321

Mobile:  0409 354 273

Email: frankozofrank@gmail.com

